Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Favorite Thingz and How To Make Money on MySpace

Are you a member of any affiliate programs? Chances are you probably are somewhere somehow. It's an opportunity to make some money by referring a potential customer to an advertiser.

Well here's an affiliate program of sorts, made specifically for MySpace. It's called FavoriteThingz . You go to the website and browse through Bands, Teams, Companies, TV Shows, Websites, Players, Games, Movies and you can even upload your own images and url's. Talk about a great way to advertise your sites!

Check it out below!

" allowScriptAccess="never">


It's cool all by itself, just to display your favorite things to your Profile viewers, but You have the opportunity to make some money while you do it!

Let's say you add a video game to your favorite things like the one below:

When others are viewing their favorites they can click on them. They can actually be redirected to an advertiser that sells that game and others. If a purchase is made you get a referral commission.

Awesome isn't it! It is the first of its kind on MySpace. It's perfect for Blogs too. They make codes for Friendster, MySpace, Hi5 and a bunch of other Social Communities. Click HERE to get started on yours and start making some money for hanging out on MySpace and Posting all those comments and bulletins!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Awesome tool...check it out!

This is a really cool little tool I found today. Actually I heard about it at eBay Live, but finally got around to checking it out today. It's called FilmLoop. It's completely free and it does a few different cool things.

You create these neat little scrolling images and then you can post them in email, blogs, on eBay, MySpace...wherever you want. You can have it go and get all the images from eBay by username or others usernames or upload your own images and make screensavers. Awesome tool.

Check out the Horizontal scroller below:

You can also create the type below. I've put this into one of my eBay listings to show you how powerful it can be! Talk about cross promoting your items!

Here's a link to this looplet in one of my eBay listings. Click Here

There are tons of other ways to use these, be creative. And don't forget....they're FREEEEEE! And FREE is a very good price!

Official Review of The Auction Resource Network...FREE

Hey there! My buddy Chris from 3RiversAuctions just released his newest eBook. I have it for my Blog readers...absolutely FREE.

It comes with full resell and giveaway rights and there is even a link to watch a free video inside the eBook!!!

If you want to go straight to the video you can check it out here:

The ebook also comes with an auction template making selling it on eBay a breeze - there's even a mystery bonus included...

Download the ebook here:

The eBook basically reviews a pretty cool tool. I use the site myself and visit it a few times a week. With the free download you also get another FREE ebook (again with full resale rights) called Top 10 tips for eBay Sellers.

Go check it out, you've got nothing to lose!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Secret technique for getting your eBay listing ranked at the top of Google!

Here's a little known secret about how to get your eBay listing in Google's top 3 ranks for the keywords in your eBay listing title.

How? Make it a featured item.

Usually items in the last 2 or 3 days will show up in the top 3 ranks on a Google search for the keywords in your title.

Example: I found this item on the featured listings list: Life-size Bob Daddy-O Wade Longhorn Herd Sculptures

Now Google "life-size bob daddy-o wade longhorn"

Top postion on Google!

Here's another: 150 Acre SW Oregon Mining CLaim Property

Google it: "150 acre sw oregon mining claim"

Number 1 again.

Now it doesn't always work...for instance an item where there is a lot of competition for the exact description like:

sony cyber-shot dsc-w7 7.2 megapixel

It shows up as number 10 on Google. Still remarkable exposure don't you think?

So, it may not always be worth the price of "featuring" your item, but in some cases, HOW CAN YOU BEAT A #1 RANKING ON GOOGLE for your eBay item?

Hope that gets the wheels turning!

Friday, August 11, 2006

eBay Education Specialist - eBay University

eBay's just what is sounds like. A place to learn about eBay.

I've been teaching people how to use eBay for probably the past 6 years or so. For the past several years I got a lot of teaching referrals from my Trading Assistant listing on eBay.

We'd teach individuals, families or businesses how to buy & sell on eBay for $20 an hour. It was always informal and based largely on the individuals experience level and the topics they desired to know about.

For the past few years I've been seeing those "Learn How To eBay" class advertisements in the Learning Annex magazine and even local Community College handouts. I always marveled at the fact that whenever I looked at the Bio of the instructors, they always seemed to be business people, but with very little eBay experience. With only a bit of investigating, I found many have fewer than 100 feedback points, yet they're teaching others as an "expert" in their field.

Well at the recent eBay Live event in Las Vegas, they had a seminar on the eBay Education Specialist program. For a nominal fee, eBay would instruct me on the art of teaching about eBay. They include videos, a Powerpoint presentation, handouts and student books.

After I got home from Vegas, I jumped in with both feet. I knew a lot about eBay, but I always like to learn new things, and I did learn quite a bit during the online class I took to become a certified eBay Education Specialist.

Now my name is listed on the instructor database, so I can be found by potential students looking for a "Basics of eBay" curriculum. I set up a simple website so my students can learn a bit about me and register for my classes. I'm ready to roll.

My classes will likely be held in small conference rooms at local hotels or schools. I'd love to work my way into the local Colleges. It has the possibility of providing a decent part-time income as well. I'm able to charge whatever I want, but I think a fee of $50 for the 4-hour class with a $10 materials fee (certificate and student manual) is a reasonable amount. With say 20 students on a Saturday afternoon, that's $1000...not bad for 4 hours work.

Once I've had some student feedback (much like eBay's regular feedback system), I will qualify to be certified for a "Beyond the Basics" class. Again, with more feedback I can teach a Business Specialist class as well.

I think it's a great opportunity to share what I know about eBay, which I already enjoy obviously. I searched my area in San Diego & Los Angeles. There are maybe 50 people in all of San Diego and Los Angeles certified to be instructors and guess how many have a class scheduled in the next 3 months? No one within 50 miles, and about 5 people in the entire Los Angeles area. Sounds like potential to me!

Anyway, I'm fired up about it. Check it out, it might be for you too.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

eBay Guides

What the heck? An eBay guide...what's that?

That's what I hear from most people I tell about my guide and others. It's not a guide "about" eBay. It's actually a guide about buying a magazine on eBay, written by me, but hosted on eBay.

eBay has created a way for members to share their knowledge on just about any subject with other members. You can find out more about it HERE . You can review a book, DVD movie or MP3 player, or write a guide about something.

Well, I wrote a guide about how to buy a magazine on eBay. I know, it seems simple enough, but you wouldn't believe the miriad of questions I get about it. So, I wrote my guide Buying a Magazine Subscription on Ebay .

It's really a broad overview of what to look for as a buyer. But it answers many of the questions I used to get asked daily. I still get the questions, but hopefully it helps some. At the bottom of the guide eBay asks you to tell them if the guide was helpful or not. So far 103 out of 109 people have found my guide helpful. That's good news for me.

Out of the 22,242 or so guides on eBay (you can see them all HERE ) I rank number 729 as a ration of helpfulness votes. They actually give you a little icon next to your user ID and feedback score...mine says "Top 1000 reviewer". Here are the available rankings.

Anyway, I invite you to read my guide, whether you've purchased a magazine or not. Hopefully you'll learn something about the process and can vote that - yes, my guide was helpful. Once again, you can visit the guide here: Buying a Magazine Subscription on Ebay .

A side benefit of this is traffic generation for your eBay store and listings as it does share my user ID and store location with the visitors to my guide. The guides are also submitted and indexed by Search Engines, further increasing the opportunity for more traffic.

If you have some knowledge about any topic, share it with others. Make the eBay community a better place for everyone by sharing what you know. Also right now, there is a big promotion where eBay is giving away $100,000 in eBay Gift Certificates divided between 500 people over 10 weeks, for those who write a guide, review or eBay Blog. Check it out!

Don't forget to visit my guide and let eBay know if it was helpful...of course it is! :o) Buying a Magazine Subscription on Ebay