He's got the hairdo, tight pants, boots...leather jacket, the works. He actually does play the Bass Guitar and plays in a band that changes names weekly it seems with some buddies of his. I'd love it if he took some lessons.
Cole is not necessarily the athlete my other children are, but he is most certainly the artist that the others aren't. He loves to draw, paint, work on the computer and has a unique talent for it. He's always had his own style and never really tried to fit a mold. Now it seems his style is that of the 80's big hair bands, and that still makes him unique now in 2008.
Cole's Mom has a friend that does video production and he and Cole are good friends. Quite some time ago he invited Cole to help out on a video shoot of the Beach Boys, or was it their sons...I'm not sure now actually, but it was very cool for Cole. He like it, they liked him, and he's done some additional 'gigs' for them.
Recently he went on a video shoot for an up-and-coming young Pop Star named Whitney Steele . He was just going to do some production work, help set-up and tear down the stage I believe. He was walking around working and Whitney saw him and assumed he was in the band based on his 'look'. He explained he wasn't and they chatted a bit. Well as fate would have it, the 'band' that was supposed to show up was missing a few guys, and Whitney immediately insisted that Cole stand in at the Base position for the video.
So, if this isn't as close as you can get to being a Rock Star...without actually being one, then I don't know what is. Pretty cool for Cole. Cool for all of us. Now if we can get him into some lessons for Bass, or into a technical school where he can further his post-production skills...Check out the video below. Cole is to Whitney's left (right side of the video) in the top-hat (his previous look).
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