Not too long ago I had another Adventure Race. This one was up in the Temecula, California area at an area called Vail Lake. It's a private resort actually, but they allowed us to use the facility for the race.
I raced with the same guys I raced the Lake Hodges AR with and we placed then, so we were hoping for another podium finish - and got it!
Well I took 3 full days off...did nothing to try and kind of get my fresh legs back for my race today. It was killing me doing nothing - but I guess it paid off.
The race started at 7:00am with 3 hours of Mountain biking. We had 10 checkpoints to get. You could get as many or as few as you wanted, but each checkpoint counted as 5 points and you got a 1 point penalty for each minute you were late over 3 hours. We got 9 and got back at 2:59...with only a minute to spare. We later found out, not one team got all 10, so we felt pretty good about our bike peformance.
Next we transitioned into the Kayaks. 2 hours, 6 checkpoints and around 6 miles of paddling. We cleared the course with 20 minutes to spare! It was touch because the checpoints were always about 100 yards from shore, so you'd have to get out of the boat, run (which is tough when you've been sitting and paddling) and then get back in the boat and paddle again...6 times!
Last was the run, or as they call it the trek. There were 9 checkpoints, 3 hours and about 8 miles of terrain to cover. We worked well together and pumped out 8 of the 9 and came in with 30 minutes to spare. The one we missed was about 20 minutes away, so it would have been 40 minutes round trip or 10 minutes late, which would be a 10 point penalty to only get we ditched it.
We normally race 3 guys and a gal, but the gal has been MIA lately so we raced all guys. First it was 3, then 4...then a 5th mate...too many. You can only have 4, so we ended up racing a 3 and a 2. But we stayed together during the race anyway.
At the end of 7 hours of racing you don't really know how you did because you don't know how many checkpoints everyone else has. And if the points tie, it comes down to total elapsed time.
Our team name is "My Kind Of Party", so we had MKOP1 and MKOP2. When the awards were dolled out - we got third place...for the 2 man team and the 3/4 man teams. It was a great day for Team My Kind Of Party and for me!

I love Adventure racing. It is so freaking hard. At the end of the bike leg, I got off to run into this ravine to get a checkpoint. Both my quads immediately cramped. When I got out of the kayak to run up the banks, my hamstrings cramped. And when I ran for 8 miles with a pack all over the countryside, I was fine.
There are so many variable - physcial and mental. For an 8 hour, very physically demanding race you have to remember to eat and drink or you'll seriously bonk. You have to be able to use a map and compass. This is critical as thats how you find the checkpoints. One mistake and you could be wasting time looking for a checkpoint that not's there. You have to stay within 100 yards of all teammates, all the time. So it's a team event - no one wins alone. We towed someone in our kayak because they were tired. We wait for slower runners. I pushed someone up a hill on the bikes...we're a team. I just love the whole sport. I like triathlons, but AR has just taken multisport to a new level for me.