Well I had a great Thanksgiving. Got up a bit later than normal and went to the gym. I ran on the treadmill for about 45 minutes, then did some ab work and stretching and then rode the stationary bike for about 15 minutes before heading over to my Mother-In-Law's house for the big feast. I ate too much, but didn't make myself sick - so a happy medium by my standards. I followed that up with a nap in the reclining chair and then some dessert.
Friday followed with a bit of guilt from over-eating, so I returned to the gym for a swim. Got in 2300 meters in the hour and headed home for a day of non-commitment. After two days in a
row of no work, I was starting to relax.

This morning I awoke refreshed. Another day with no particular agenda other than baseball practice this afternoon. I could get used to this schedule...ah yes, I was used to it, then I went back to work. Dang!
Anyway, it had been raining for the past few days here, and I decided a nice muddy trail run was in order. I headed over to Calavera Lake for the dirty deed.
I hadn't been on the trail for a few weeks, and it always amazes me both how tough it is, and how wonderful it is. The uneven terrain and unregulated inclines make your lungs and legs burn equally, and the beautiful surroundings and lack of anything but nature soothes them right back. The latter overcoming the former and making the run fantastic.
I got good and sloshy from the rain soaked paths and muddy bogs where the small foot bridges had been washed away from the torrents. I did cross paths with a few folks, exchanged pleasantries and kept on truckin'.
I usually run with my music on - on the street that is. But on the trail, I never bring it. I like to hear the quiet - unlike the traffic filled suburban routes we run on. Occasionally a duck or goose or some creature inhabiting the area surrounding the lake will squawk or run through the brush letting me know I'm intruding, but other than that it's pretty darn quiet.
By the time I hit the last mile back on the road to home, I'm feeling the impact of the hour on the trails up Calavera Mtn. and around the base, the short steep ascents around the lakes edge and the extra effort made by my leg muscles to find sure footing in the slippery clay footpaths.
I drink some water, and jog it on home. I find myself basking in the sun stretching outside my front door - not quite ready to return to the inside. I cool off, and finally stop sweating. Suddently I'm chilled and ready for a warm shower. Great day - great run. Time for a bike ride this afternoon maybe, or tomorrow.
27 days 'till Christmas I think...I better get back to the hustle and bustle.
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