I planned on my regular Tuesday morning 10k that Nic and I always run...but she let me know last night she wasn't running this morning. She had to go help someone do something...early.
Anyway, I slept in, and when I got up...running wasn't on my list of things to do.
Then I got on the scale. Soon the my running attire was donned and I was ready to go. I doubled up my socks to try and protect my blistered foot, but even walking hurt. 100 yards from the house I almost turned back. Then I thought I'd try jogging instead of walking. Low and behold, it felt better to trot than stroll. I got to our timed 10k course and off I went.
Honestly I felt pretty crummy, and as I approached 1 mile, I was going to turn around and call it a 2 mile warm-up and go swim or something. But I knew the something would end up being TV and Birthday cake. So on I went.
As I approached the turn-around point for my 5k run, I checked my watch. I was actually running pretty well, right on schedule or even a tad faster, and my heel was achy, but not rubbing too bad. I pushed on.
I was planning on turning around at the 1/2 way point for my 5 mile out & back, but I felt OK and when I checked my time I was around a minute below my normal average. I couldn't stop now right?
So I continued on the 10k course, determined to actually run the whole 6.2 miles. I wished for my running buddy...wished I'd brought my mp3 player...neither was going to happen. As I approached the 1/2 way point I was 1 1/2 minutes below my fastest time on this run...time to suck it up.
My heel didn't hurt anymore, my lungs did as I ran hard up the nearly 1 mile stretch of road uphill. I hurt inside as I crossed the top of the hill, knowing I had an equally long downhill. I stretched out my stride and flew. It was one of those special running moments... my legs turning quickly below me, no effort, not really even feeling them. I guess it's the mythical 'runners high' come true. I was in the moment for several minutes, feeling nothing. No pain, no anything really...just floating.
But, as the terrain flattened out, so did my delirium! I had a mile to go...I was feeling it now. My watch said I was minutes ahead of my fastest time on this course and I was looking at sub 9 min/miles (yes - that's fast for me for 10k - so stop laughing).
As I rounded the last corner for the 1/2 mile straight away finish, I picked up the pace. Too much as it turns out, and with 1/4 mile to go I was blowing up. I struggled the last hundred meters and was done. 55.:15. That's 8:55 mile/average for the 6.2 miles. Not blazing, but a new PR for me.
Happy Birthday Bubba!